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Now that you have completed the Pre-Enrollment, there are a couple more things we need before we can proceed. Please provide the following Documents and Submit them to the ACHS Admissions

 Admission Application 

Print and fill up the ACHS Application form and submit the document completed and signed to the ACHS Admissions Department 


SEVIS/1-20/I-94 (International Students ONLY)

Provide the following document and submit documents to the ACHS Admissions Department 


Highschool/GED Transcripts 

Bring your unofficial Highschool/GED transcirpts and submit to the ACHS Admissions Department 


Highschool Diploma

Provide a copy of your Highschool Diploma and submit to the ACHS Admissions Department 


Govenment issued ID

Please provide 3 Valid Govenment issued I.D(Driver's License, SSN Card, Passport, Residency Card)


Personal Info Sheet/Resume 

Provide a resume or Personal Inforamtion sheet


TOEFL (if applicable)

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